Committed to transforming
the treatment of severe, chronic
autoimmune diseases.

Committed to transforming
the treatment of severe, chronic
autoimmune diseases.

Franssen, Christina

  • Photo:
  • First name: Christina
  • Surname: Franssen
  • Position: Ph.D., Director – representing Sparaxis SA, SRIW

Christina Franssen joined the Board of Imcyse in 2019. She is Investment Manager – Life Sciences Innovation at S.R.I.W. (Société Régionale d’Investissement de Wallonie). Christina has over 15 years’ experience in innovation and research. Prior to being appointed to her current position, she was business development Manager and then Director of state-of-the-art technology platforms at GIGA (University of Liège). Christina began her career as a research scientist at the University of Liège, where she experienced a full cycle of entrepreneurship from the founding of a spin-off company to its exit. Christina holds a Master degree in Biology and a Ph.D. in Genetics from the University of Liège.


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